EPSRC Energy Harvesting Network

Catalonia Institute for Energy Research IREC (Advanced Materials for Energy Research)

Address: Josep pla num 2 B2 planta Baixa 08019 Barcelona Spain
URL: www.irec.cat

The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research was created to contribute to the objective of creating a more sustainable future for energy usage and consumption, keeping in mind the economic competitivity and providing society with the maximum level of energy security.
This contribution will be done through scientific and technological development. The research requires a long-term vision which allows the identification of future challenges in energy. The Institute also works with practical research which allows businesses to implement innovative solutions immediately.
The institute is formed by 6 departments: Energy Efficiency, Bioenergy and Biofuels, Off-shore Wind Energy, Power Electronics and Electric Power Grids, Socio technical research and the Advanced materials for Energy Research.
The Advanced materials for Energy Research department technological lines are:
� Characterization and analysis of materials. Technological reliability
-Materials for equipment and systems for energy and environmental applications
-Materials, technologies and equipment compatible with silicon technology
-Sensors, actuators and micro-systems
-Nanoscience and nanotechnology
-Energy storage and Energy Harvesting
The activity of the Energy storage and Energy Harvesting is centered on studying the fundamentals of nanoelectrochemistry, energy transduction and storage processes, battery development and testing, solid electrolyzers and energy harvesting systems.

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The data on this page has been contributed by the energy harvesting community. Any views and opinions that are expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Energy Harvesting Network and, while we strive to provide a reliable resource, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information shown.
University of Southampton For comments on the website, please email webmaster@eh-network.org. For general enquiries, please email info@eh-network.org.
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