EPSRC Energy Harvesting Network


Academic Members

180 members from 291 academic institutions are currently registered with the Energy Harvesting Network.

Aalborg University (Energy Technology)
Ain shams (Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering)
Alabama A&M University (Physics)
Amal Jyothi College of Engineering (Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering )
American University in Cairo
American University of Sharjah
Anna University (ECE)
Aston University
Auburn University (Materials Engineering)
École de technologie supérieure (Mechanical Engineering)
Bangor University (School of Electronics)
Beijing Institute of Technology ( School of Automation)
Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (School of Electronical Engneer)
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Birkbeck College, University of London (Department of Computer Science and Information Systems)
Birmingham City University (faculty of Technology, Engineering & Environment)
BLDEA's V P Dr. P G Halakatti CET (Mechanical Engineering )
Blida1 University (computer Science Department)
Boise state university (Material science and engineering,advanced energy laboratory )
British Embassy
Brno University of Technology (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
Brunel University (Design & Engineering)
Cardiff University (Cardiff School of Engineering)
Catholic University of Korea (Sch. Info., Comm. and Electronics Engineering)
CEA (CEA Grenoble/LETI)
Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology for Energy (Prince Of Songkla University)
Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (Microsystèmes pour le biomédical )
Centre of micro-system,Chongqing university
CIQUS - University of Santiago de Compostela (Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials)
City University of Hong Kong
college of electrical and mechanical engineering (mechanical)
Columbia University (EnHANTs Project )
Coventry University (Engineering & Computing)
Cranfield University (Materials)
Cranfield University (Offshore, Process & Energy)
Curtin University, Australia (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Delft University of Technology (Aerospace Engineering)
Delft University of Technology (WMC)
Dongguk University (Department of Mechanical, Robotics and Energy Engineering)
East China Jiaotong University (Automation Department, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
East Delta University (Electrical and Electronic Engineering )
Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science
Ecole Fédérale de Lausanne (Institute of Microengineering)
Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie (LASMAP)
educational institute (electronocs and communications engineering)
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
EMSE-CMP (Flexible electronics)
Energy Harvesting Network
Energy Technology Partnership (ETP) (Scottish Institute for Solar Energy Research (SISER))
Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (Business Innovation)
Federal University of Paraiba (Electrical Engineering)
Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFSCar (Department of Mechanical Engineering - DEMec)
FHNW - School of Engineering
Fraunhofer IIS
Glasgow Caledonian University (School of Engineering and Built Environment)
Grenoble INP (LCIS Laboratoire de conception et d'Intergration des Systemes)
Griffith University
guru gobind singh indraprastha university (ECE)
Harbin Institute of Technology (School of Mechatronics Engineering)
Heriot-Watt University (Engineering and Physical Sciences)
IFSP - Federal Institute of Education, Sc and Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
imec/Holst Centre
Imperial College London (Computing)
Imperial College London (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
India Institute of Technology Hyderabad (Electrical )
Indian Institute Of Technology (BHU) (School of Biomedical)
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (Center for Research in Nanotechnology and Research )
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Electrical Engineering)
Indian Institute of Technology,Kanpur (Design Programme)
Institut d’Electronique du Sud UMR5214 (Capteurs Composants Systèmes)
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Dublin
Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (Department of Electrical Engineering)
Instituto Nacional de Metrologia , INM - Colombia (Physical Metrology)
Jeju National University (Mechatronics Engineering)
Jiangsu University
Kaunas University of Technology (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics)
KCG College of technology (aeronautical)
Knowledge Centre for Materials Chemistry
Kungliga Tekniska Högskola (CoS, Communication Computer Science)
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Engineering Mechanics)
Lamar University (Health & Human Performance)
Lancaster university (physics)
Leibniz University Hannover
Leibniz-Institute for Agricultural Engineering ATB (Department 4: Engineering for Crop Production)
Linköping University (Science & Technology Department)
Liverpool John Moores University
London Metropolitan University (Centre for Communications Technology, Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing)
London South Bank University (Engineering and Design)
Loughborough University (Chemistry)
Loughborough University (Electronic, Electrical & Systems Engineering)
Loughborough University (Physics)
Loughborough University (Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering)
Lublin University of Technology (Department of Applied Mechanics)
M.A.M. College of Engineering (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering)
Macau University of Science and Technology (Faculty of Information and Technology)
Macquarie University (Department of Engineering )
Madras institute of technology (EIE)
Manipal university jaipur
Marian Engineering College (Mechanical Engineering)
Materials and Energy Research Center
Michigan State University (CAESRT)
Mid Sweden University (STC Research Centre)
Midlands State university (Physics department)
Nanyang Technological University (Division of Structures and Mechanics)
Nanyang Technological University (Energy Research Institute @ NTU)
National Autonomous University of Mexico
National Defence University of Malaysia (Dept of Electrical & Electronics, Engineering Faculty)
National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (ECE)
National Institute of technoogy (Mechanical Engineering)
National University of Defense Technology
National University of Ireland, Galway (Power Electronics Research Centre)
National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Hamilton Institute)
National University of Sciences & Technology (SEECS)
National University of Singapore (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
New Mexico State University (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
Newcastle University (Digital Institute)
Newcastle University (Mechanical Engineering)
Newcastle University (School of EECE)
Newcastle University (School of Engineering)
Northumbria University at Newcastle (Mechanical and Construction Engineering)
Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre
Paris Sud University
Politecnico di Torino
purdue university calumet (Engineering Technology)
QIAU (Mechatronics)
Queen Mary University of London (Materials Research Institute)
Queen Mary University of London (School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science)
Queen Mary University of London (School of Physics and Astronomy)
Reutlingen University
Riga Technical University (Technical Physics Institute)
Rolls-Royce UTC (AC&SE)
RWTH Aachen University
RWTH Aachen University (High Frequency Electronics)
Sapienza University of Rome (Computer Science)
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (BioRobotics Institute)
Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (Mechanical Engineering)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Electrical Engineering)
shanghaitech university (school of information and science technology(SIST))
Sharif University of Technology
Shizuoka Univeristy (Nano Vision)
Silesian University of Technology (Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science)
SRM University
Staffordshire University (Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Technology)
SUPELEC (Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité) (Telecommunications)
Swansea University (School of Engineering)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich (Information Technology and Electrical Engineering)
Technical University of Denmark (DTU Informatics)
Technical University of Denmark (DTU Nanotech)
Technical University of Sofia (Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies)
Technical University of Sofia (Faculty of industrial technology)
terna enginnering college, nerul navi mumbai
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering)
The Pennsylvania State University - Berks (EBC)
The University of Edinburgh (School of Physics and Astronomy)
The University of Manchester (Photon Science Insitute )
The University of Northampton
The University of Tokyo (The Institute of Industrial Science)
Tsinghua University (Department of Engineering Mechanics and Center for Nano and Micro Mechanics)
Tsinghua University (Institute of Microelectronics)
TU Berlin
Tyndall National Institute (Theory Modelling and Design Centre)
Tyndall National Institute - UCC (MAI group)
UE (School of Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics)
UESTC (School of Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics)
UNESP, Ilha Solteira (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez
Universidad de Deusto
Universidad Nacional del Sur (Department of Phsyics)
Universita' di Perugia (NiPS Laboratory)
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Electronics Engineering)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Electronic Engineering)
Université de Sherbrooke
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM (Institute of Noise and Vibration)
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
University fo Leeds
University of Bath
University of Bayreuth (Chair of Measurement and Automation)
University of Bedfordshire (Department of Computer Science and Information Technology)
University of Beira Interior (DEM)
University of Birmingham (School of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering)
University of Birmingham (School of Mechanical Engineering)
University of Birmingham (Functional Group) (Metallurgy and Materials)
University of Bologna (Micrel Lab - DEIS )
University of Bolton
University of Bolton (Engineering)
University of Bolton (School of Engineering)
University of Boras (The Swedish School of Textiles)
University of Brescia (Department of Information Engineering (DII))
University of Bristol
University of Calabria (Departement of Electronics, Informatics and Systems)
University of Cambridge (Computer Laboratory)
University of Cambridge (Department of Engineering)
University of Cambridge (Materials Science and Metallurgy)
University of Cambridge (Nanoscience center)
University of Canterbury (College of Engineering)
University of Castilla-La Mancha
University of Catania (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e Informatica)
University of Chester (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
University of Coimbra (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
University of East Anglia (Chemistry)
University of Edinburgh (School of Informatics)
University of Exeter (Engineering)
University of Exeter (Physics)
University of Glasgow (Chemistry)
University of Glasgow (James Watt Nanofabrication Centre)
University of Glasgow (Systems, Power and Energy Research Division)
University of Grenoble (TIMA Laboratory)
University of Hawaii at Manoa (Electrical Engineering)
University of Hertfordshire (Engineering and Technology)
University of Huddersfield (Institute of Railway Research)
University of Hull (Engineering)
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
University of Leeds (Physics and Astronomy)
University of Liverpool (Electrical Engineering and Electronics)
University of Liverpool (School of Engineering)
University of Luxembourg
University of Manchester (Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science)
University of Manchester (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
University of Manchester (School of Materials)
University of Manchester (School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering)
University of Mississippi (Mechanical Engineering)
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
university of nantes
University of Nottingham (Mechanical, Materials & Manufacturing)
University of Otago (Department of Information Science)
University of Oulu (Microelectronics and materials physics laboratory)
University of Oxford (Department of Engineering Science)
university of pavia
University of Perugia (NIPS Laboratory/Department of Physics)
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh (Bioengineering )
University of Reading (Systems Engineering)
University of Reading, Chemistry (Chemistry)
University of Rijeka - Faculty of Engineering (Department of Mechanical Engineering Design)
University of Rochester
University of Salford
University of Sao Paulo (Mechanical Engineering Department)
University of Sheffield (Materials Science and Engineering)
University of Southampton (Electronics and Computer Science)
University of Southampton (Faculty of Engineering and the Environment)
University of Southampton (School of Electronics and Computer Science)
University of Southampton Malaysia Campus
University of Southern California
University of St Andrews (Chemistry)
University of St Andrews (Physics)
University of Strathclyde (Chemical and Process Engineering)
University of Surrey
University of Technology Graz
University of Tehran (Communications Engineering Department)
University of the West of England (Engineering Design and Mathematics)
University of the West of Scotland (Thin Film Centre, SUPA)
University of Toronto (Mechanical Engineering)
University of Trento (EECS - DISI)
University of Udine (Department of Electrical Management Mechanical Engineering (DIEGM))
University of Ulster
University of Waikato (Science and Engineering)
University of Warwick (Physics)
Universtiy of Birmingham (Metallurgy and Materials)
Uppsala Univeristy (Department of Engineering Sciences)
Victoria University of Wellington (Engineering and Computer Science)
Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Villanova University
Virginia Tech (Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics )
WINS Labtem labortory (Department of Electronics & Radio Engineering)
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland (Institute of Materials Science and Applied Mechanics)
Zuyd University

Industrial Members

180 members from 249 companies are currently registered with the Energy Harvesting Network.

A.P.T Archimedes Polymer Technolgies ltd
Adaptive Wireless Solutions Ltd
Alpha Star Ltd
AND Technology Research Ltd
Apoideas Limited
Applied Nanodetectors Ltd
Arch Rock
Archimedes Polymer Technogies ltd
Arup (ITS)
ASH Wireless Electronics
AWE plc (Systems Engineering)
Babcock Marine and Technology
BAE Systems (Advanced Technology Centre)
BAE Systems (Military Air & Information)
BlackBerry UK Ltd (Industry & Technology Relations)
Blue Ridge Advanced Design and Automation, PLLC
Bombardier Aerospace Shorts (Experimental and Ground Test)
Cambridge Nanotherm Ltd
Canova Tech
Capita Symonds (Energy & Sustainable Engineering Design)
Castleton Consulting
Catalonia Institute for energy Research (Lighting group)
Catalonia Institute for Energy Research IREC (Advanced Materials for Energy Research)
Centro Ricerche FIAT (Automation & Systems)
Ceracomp Co., Ltd. (R&D)
Confiware ApS
Cymbet Corporation
Datanet Colombia Network (Projects)
Davis Derby Ltd.
Dell (China Design Center)
DELTA (IdemoLab)
Digitron Technology
e2v semiconductors
e4 Structures Ltd
EADS Innovation Works
ec-lab Ltd
Eight19 Limited
Electrosciences Ltd
Elster Metering Ltd
Emilio Hyundai Santafe 2019 & Bluett CO KG
Energy Harvesting Consortium
EnOcean GmbH (UK)
Ericsson (R&D)
ESL Europe
ESP KTN (Electronics Knowledge Centre)
European Therrmodynamics Ltd
Eventure Media Ltd
Expro Wireless Well Solutions
Federal Institute of Technology of Ceara
Fraunhofer ISIT
Fujiwara-Rothchild Ltd.
Future Intellince Ltd (Research)
G24 Power
Gas Sensing Solutions Ltd
Green Light Battery Co Ltd (Very small Photovoltaic systems with low light)
Hanson Wade
Haydn Consulting Ltd
HDK Solutions Ltd.
High Frequency Diagnostics & Engineering Ltd
HMGCC (Technology Division)
HP Labs
HSG-IMIT (micro power solutions!)
Huddersfield University
IAEA (Departement of Safeguards)
identySOL Ltd
Imagine Instruments LLC
Imperial Innovations
Infinergia Consulting
Infinite Power Solutions Inc.
Institute for Infocomm Research (Networking Protocols)
integral design (cellular products )
IOE Technologies Ltd.
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (Chilab - Integrated Microsystems Applications)
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (Pervasive Technologies - IoT Objects & Platforms)
Jaguar Land Rover (Research)
Japan Management Association (Monozukuri Business Unit)
Jay tech ventures
Jennic Ltd
John Deere
Johnson Matthey (Piezoproducts)
Johnson Matthey Technology Centre (Catalyst and Meterials)
JSW Consulting, LLC
Keysight Technologies
KineticaRT Limited
Kuwait University (System and Process Control)
LEITAT Technological Center (International projects Office)
Linear Technology Corporation (Product Marketing)
Lockheed Martin (System Solutions)
Made with Glove Ltd
Mantis Deposition Ltd.
Marks and Spencer
MatEnTx (Piezoelectric Ceramics)
Materials Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)
McLaren Applied Technologies
Mclaren Applied Technologies Ltd (Component Research and Development)
Measurement Specialties, Inc
Meggitt Sensing Systems (Applied Research & Technology)
Meggitt Sensing Systems, Denmark (R&D)
MicroGen Systems, LLC
Micropelt GmbH
Microsemi Semiconductor Ltd (Comm-Med Products Group (CMPG))
MicroStrain Inc.
Midé Technology
MIMOS Berhad (Micro Systems & MEMS Centre)
Morgan Electro Ceramics (High Volume components)
motion power systems
Motox 3m Ltd
MouseTrap Innovation Ltd
National Physical Laboratory
Netvox Technology Co LTD
Network Rail (Network Rail Telecom)
New Energy Systems AS
Nicholas Jones Associates
NITK Surathkal (Mechanical engineering)
Nokia Research Centre (c/o University of Cambridge)
Olympus Scientific Solutions
ON Semiconductor Belgium
Osram Sylvania, Inc.
Oxford Nano Energy Limited
Oxford University (Physics)
Oxtec Ltd (Solutions)
Paul Weaver
Perpetuum Ltd
Photon Harvester ltd
Pike Research (Cleantech Practice)
Position Systems Limited.
Pristine Harvest
PSM Instrumentation (Research and Development)
ReVibe Energy
Revo Corporation Ltd
RFID Sensor Systems
Robert Bosch GmbH
Robert Bosch LLC (Research and Technology Center)
Roke Manor Research
Rolls-Royce Controls and Data Services (FMU VS)
Rolls-Royce plc (Electrical Power & Control Systems)
Rolls-Royce plc (Strategic Research Centre)
Samsung (Samsung Advanced Insititute of Technology Europe)
SANKO HOLDING (Technology Development)
Sanyo Semiconductor (U.S.A.) Corporation
Satellite Services Ltd
Schneider Electric
Selex Galileo Infrared Ltd
SemiMetrics Ltd
Sentec Ltd.
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,Chinese Academy of
Sharp Laboratories of Europe
SiWays Microelectronics
SKF-AEROSPACE (Product developement)
Smart Green Batteries, EV chargers & sol (Executive board)
SMi Group
SolarPrint Limited
SolarPrint Ltd
Sonatest Ltd (Engineering Dept.)
STE engineering (Energy efficient micro wireless sensor)
SterEnergo Projekt
Suzlon Energy Ltd (Technology Service Group)
Syxth Limited (Pure Midas)
Techni Measure
Technology Strategy Board (Emerging Technologies & Industries)
Tecnalia Research and Innovation (Smart Buildings and Cities)
Tekcapital plc
Texas Instruments GmbH
The University of Texas at Austin (MSTC GSB)
THHINK Wireless Technologies
TM Research and Development Sdn Bhd (Communication Technology)
Toumaz Technology
TRW Automotive Italy (Advanced Engineering - Body Control Systems)
TRW Conekt
TT electronics (TT electronics technology)
TWI (NDT Validation)
Unipart Rail Limited
United States Army (International Technology Center - Atlantic)
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
University of Bath (Mechanical Engineering)
University of Glasgow; School of Engineering
University of Reading (Chemistry)
uPBeat Product Development
Vision 2020 Group Ltd
VisionComs Ltd
Vodera Ltd
Wartsila Finland Oy (R & D Automation and Controls)
Wärtsilä Finland Oy (R & D Automation and Controls)
Wurth Elektronik eiSos GmbH
WYG Group (Energy Division)
Yole Developpement
Yorkshire Water (Innovation Delivery)
yoursciencetech LTD
Zartech Ltd
Zengo Energy Limited

Steering Board

Alex Weddell, University of Southampton
Chris Bowen, University of Bath
Costis Kompis, Vodera Ltd
Dibin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dr Martin Judd, High Frequency Diagnostics & Engineering Ltd
Dr Steve Burrow, University of Bristol
Eric Yeatman, Imperial College London
Geoff Merrett, University of Southampton
Jerry Luo, Cranfield University
Michail Kiziroglou, Imperial College London
Prof Haydn Thompson, THHINK Wireless Technologies
Professor Markys G Cain, FIMMM, CPhys, Electrosciences Ltd
Robert Dorey, University of Surrey
Simon Aliwell, Zartech Ltd
Steve Beeby, University of Southampton
Yu Jia, Aston University

Network Management

Steve Beeby (Principle Investigator), University of Southampton
Geoff Merrett (Co-Investigator), University of Southampton
Kai Yang (Network Administrator), University of Southampton

Costis Kompis (Consultant), Vodera Ltd
Simon Aliwell (Consultant), Zartech Ltd

Want to join the Energy Harvesting Network?

Membership of this network is open to all with an interest in the development or application of energy harvesting technologies. To join, please click here.
University of Southampton For comments on the website, please email webmaster@eh-network.org. For general enquiries, please email info@eh-network.org.
Website designed and maintained by Geoff Merrett and Kai Yang. Developed for screen resolutions of 1280x1024 or higher.
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