EPSRC Energy Harvesting Network


Address: 125 High Street, Chesterton, Cambridge, CB4 1NL
URL: www.tribus-d.uk

Tribus-D has over 60 years of industrial experience of micro-electronic manufacturing, combining creativity with pragmatism including commercial, industrial and hi-rel applications. We have specialist knowledge in electronic materials and assembly processes. Our aim is to build a strong client-consultancy partnership to deliver the right solution for your organisation. We also provide technical advice and support in proposal creation and project management to take your concept to reality.

Stephen Riches

Position: Director
E-Mail: striches1 [AT] outlook.com

Over 30 years experience in electronics assembly innovation, proposal generation and project management. Technical developments have included copper wire bonding, laser processes, high temperature electronics, MEMS assembly, ruggedised displays and LED lighting. Has instigated and managed several Innovate UK/European projects, working collaboratively with wide range of industrial and academic partners.

Incorrect or outdated information?

Please contact info@eh-network.org if any of information on this page is out-of-date or incorrect.


The data on this page has been contributed by the energy harvesting community. Any views and opinions that are expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Energy Harvesting Network and, while we strive to provide a reliable resource, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information shown.
University of Southampton For comments on the website, please email webmaster@eh-network.org. For general enquiries, please email info@eh-network.org.
Website designed and maintained by Geoff Merrett and Kai Yang. Developed for screen resolutions of 1280x1024 or higher.
Tested with Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox 3, Google Chrome 3, Apple Safari 4 and Opera 10.